Veterinary Rehabilitation embraces a range of advanced therapies for the restoration of physical function and condition in your canine companion or athlete. These therapies can be used in dogs (and cats) who have undergone surgery, experienced injury, or suffered disease causing loss of function or mobility including:
- Orthopedic Trauma
- Spinal & Neurological injuries
- Post surgical care & recovery (knee surgery, back surgery, ligament repair)
- Muscle strains & tendonopathies
- Geriatric care & pets with chronic pain
- Degenerative Joint Disease & Osteoarthritis
- Weight loss
- Athletic conditioning

Rehabilitation Services at Crestwood Veterinary Centre:
Melissa Gusdal, RAHT, Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP) – Comprehensive physical assessment, treatment, and development of home exercise programs
Therapeutic Laser Treatments – used for pain, inflammation, and tissue healing
Therapeutic and Medical Massage
Dr. Jennifer Webster, DC – certified in dogs, cats, and horses
Electrical Stimulation (TENS, NMES, IFC)
Thermotherapy and Cryotherapy
Manual therapy to increase joint range of motion
Therapeutic Exercise – strength training, cardiovascular and core conditioning, stretching, etc.
Neuromuscular re-eduction
Mobility Aids – wheelchairs, support harnesses, etc
Massage can help a patient relax while in clinic. Nervous dogs may benefit from massage, even if they do not have any physical ailments. It can be a great diagnostic tool as more time is spent feeling your pets entire body.
Circulation is improved with massage:
The action of massage with pressure changes and movements occurring in different directions and planes of tissue moves pushes fluid from the tissue spaces into the vessels, toward the lymph nodes and the heart, and new fluid is drawn into the spaces.
Naturally occurring chemical irritants in the tissues, such as substance P and prostaglandins, and waste products of metabolism, decrease the pain threshold in these tissues.
By massaging and “flushing out” these chemicals, this prevents or reduces some types of chronic pain
“Flushing” the muscle with new circulation with massage on a regular basis also reduces muscle soreness following exercise.
Preventing or breaking down tissue adhesions.
For the body, an incision is a very “unnatural” injury, because having a several layers of tissue healing on top of each other causes the body to try and heal them together.
Following surgery, gentle massage helps break down or prevent tissue adhesions from forming.
A variety of massage strokes helps to realign damaged tissues.
Stimulation of acupressure points.
Stimulates the immune system and may improve nerve function.
Reduces pain and general weakness.
Decreases pain.
Decreases muscle spasm.
Reduces edema and decreases inflammation.
Increases tissue extensibility, improves range of motion and mobility.

Laser Therapy
A non-invasive, pain free treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to create an ideal healing environment. Laser therapy is a unique because it is not based on the development of heat but on the photochemical and photobiological effects in cells and tissues. Laser light positively stimulates the functions of injured cells. These positive effects include increased production of ATP (cellular energy). This means that if the cell is damaged and inflamed it can heal quicker and more effectively with laser therapy.
• Accelerated tissue repair and wound healing
• Pain relief
• Anti-inflammatory effects
• Improved circulation and nutrient exchange
• Enhancement of nerve regeneration in some conditions